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2023-03-29 00:00

Early Bird Gardening Tips To Set Your Garden Up For Success

Prepping your garden for Spring after the cold winter months can take some time and effort but it is something that will be very rewarding in the end as it must be done to ensure a well-maintained garden throughout the season. Prepping your garden for Spring after the cold winter months can take some time and effort but it is something that will be very rewarding in the end as it must be done to ensure a well-maintained garden throughout the season.

Did you know that dead plants, stems and leaves in your garden actually pose a threat to your spring garden? Cleaning up your garden will reduce the potential for disease and weeds during their growing months.

The best time to begin your spring garden cleanup is when temperatures hover around 10 degrees. In order to get a good garden cleanup, you should consider the following spring gardening tips to help you prepare for your spring garden cleanup:
- Trim the shrubs
- Remove winter mulch
- Remove leaves on top of plants
- Get rid of any dead annuals
- Cut off dead growth from perennials
- Tidy up vegetable beds
- Pull the weeds
- Redefine your garden beds

Before you begin any planting, it is good to create a gardening plan to be sure of your garden's success. Gardening tips for beginners include the following considerations before you start, like your garden area, how much sunshine this will receive, how much time you have to dedicate and what you want to plant.

Additionally, depending on the plants you wish to grow in your garden, it may be beneficial to consider companion planting. This is a process of planting flowers, herbs and vegetables together to offer benefits to one another. These benefits may include improving soil conditions, repelling insects or attracting pollinators. This requires a bit of research but can help with easier maintenance along the way. Whether you have ample gardening space or only a few square meters to work with, If you are looking for some inspiration or need some help in figuring out where to start with your gardening plan, check out this blog for some ideas. They have lots of information for small space gardening ideas or big spaces too.

Read more: here

Once you have figured out a plan for your garden, you can begin prepping the soil for optimized growing conditions for all the plants you plan to grow. Healthy soil makes healthy plants and this is an integral part of your garden-prepping process. The first step in this process is to amend the soil with manure or compost. Doing this helps to break up the dense and unused soil from the winter months and replenish it with nutrients and vital minerals. This involves turning the ground and then adding in organic matter or fertilizer. Before you begin to place seeds in the ground you will need to know the optimized time for those seeds to be planted as well as ensure you aren't planting your crops too close to one another. Overcrowding can cause big problems with disease or when you need to harvest it may make it harder to collect your crops.

Other gardening tips and tricks involve ensuring you keep a diary of all your crops and logging various elements within your gardening season. This includes any planting issues that arise, best crop yields, pests that may overtake and how you were able to manage them, what plants worked well or didn't, or anything else that may impact the next gardening season. Another thing to note is that you should ensure you know what you have planted and where especially in the early stages of your seed planting. This can be easily done with labels. There are many gardening secrets out there that avid gardeners like to share through their own personal experiences. If you are looking for more information on any particular gardening topic there will surely be a blog that talks about it. Hopefully, the gardening tips we have presented today will help you with this season's gardening journey. Happy planting everyone.


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